Four-Year Degree Plans

The four-year degree plan was created to demonstrate that it is possible for a student to graduate in four years. The four-year degree option can be completed in eight regular semesters and one summer semester. Students in DFM are encouraged to complete their programs within four years.

This plan assumes the following:

  • No remedial coursework is required
  • The student does not fail any classes and earns a grade of "C" or better in all DFM course work
  • The student does not change minors
  • the student is willing to take classes one summer

Also, a four-year degree plan does not take into account a dual credit or transfer credit that a student may bring with him or her upon admission to the university.


All digital fashion and merchandising majors are required to complete a minimum of four credit hours’ worth of internship experience to satisfy their major degree requirements.

The digital fashion and merchandising program offers two options (emphasis areas): digital design or merchandising.

Bachelor of Science in Digital Fashion and Merchandising

Make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss schedules and options.